Arrhythmia Surgery
Arrhythmias are disorders of the heart rate or heart rhythm, such as beating too fast (tachycardia), beating too slow (bradycardia) or beating irregularly.
When your heart is pumping normally to bring blood to the rest of the body, its electrical system makes sure it contracts in an orderly way. Arrhythmias are caused by problems with the way the heart receives and responds to electrical impulses. This ultimately affects how effectively and efficiently the heartbeats. Depending upon the severity and symptoms presented, a surgeon may perform certain surgical procedures to help correct or reduce the effects of arrhythmia.

Surgical Procedures
to Correct Arrhythmias
CryoMaze Heart Surgery
CryoMaze surgery is a procedure that may be used for atrial fibrillation when other treatments are ineffective. With this procedure, a surgeon creates electrical barriers in the upper chamber of the heart by applying an Argon – powered cold probe. By freezing the tissue to very cold temperatures, electrical activity is permanently blocked. The electrical barriers can be created in 60-90 seconds, minimizing the duration of the procedure. Depending upon the circumstances, a minimally invasive approach can be performed using a 2 inch incision in the right side of the chest. This allows patients to return to regular activities within 3 weeks instead of the 8-10 weeks after a traditional procedure.
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
If a coronary heart disease is the cause of your arrhythmia, your doctor may recommend coronary artery bypass grafting [link]. This surgery uses a grafted vein to form a bypass around a blocked artery to improve blood flow to the heart muscle.